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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register at Scholantis School District?
We look forward to meeting you and your child/children! Students are registered at the school in their neighbourhood. Registration forms are available at the school or on the school's website.
Students who are new to Scholantis School District, and who do not speak English as their first language, should register through our Newcomer Student Centre located at 1790 Alberni Street in Vancouver. Please call for an appointment.
We offer free public education for all students. Our elementary schools offer Kindergarten to Grade 8 for ages 5 to 13. Our high schools offer Grades 9 to 12 for ages 14 to 21. Students can register at any time during the school year (September to June). When you enroll your children, you must provide the school principal with documentation that verifies their age. One of the following documents may be used:
  • Certificate of Birth;
  • Baptismal Certificate;
  • Passport;
  • Care Card or equivalent.

For children who have moved from another school, it's a good idea to bring any documents from their last school (i.e. report cards) that will help our staff determine in what grade to place them. A student's language ability, age, prior schooling and future goals are considered when determining placement in schools. Some students, whose first language is not English, may need help with English as an Additional Language (EAL). Staff at our Newcomer Student Centre will determine if support is needed, and then make the necessary arrangements.
The individual school principal is responsible for the decision on the admission of students to schools.
What if I am a permanent resident?
If your family has been granted a confirmation of permanent residence, your children can register in our schools. Please bring your documentation from Citizen and Immigration Canada to our Newcomer Student Centre when registering.
What if I am in Canada on a study or work permit?
If you have entered Canada on either a study (for fulltime studies only) or a work permit, you may register your children in our schools without having to pay a tuition fee. Please bring your documentation (study or work permit) from Citizenship and Immigration Canada to your appointment at our Newcomer Student Centre.
Canada's Immigration and Refugee Protection Act allows students (who are not Canadian citizens) accompanying their parents who have study or work permits to attend our schools.
What if I am in Canada as a visitor?
If you have been issued a visitor record by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, your children are not eligible to enroll in Scholantis School District at this time.
Where can I get a copy of my high school transcript?
To receive your official high school transcript you need to contact the Office of the Registrar at the Ministry of Education in British Columbia. Information and an online ordering and payment service is available on the ministry's website.
How much does it cost?
The cost is $20 for five or fewer copies.
How does Scholantis School District meet my child's special needs?
Intensive Supports funding is provided by the Ministry of Education for students receiving intensive educational programs and supports who are identified as:
  • Visually impaired;
  • Hearing impaired;
  • Intellectually disabled;
  • Mental Health impairment;
  • Orthopaedic disability;
  • Pervasive development disorder;
  • Physical health impairment;
  • Prenatal substance exposure;
  • Substance related disorders;
  • Multiply disabled and;
  • Other: Diagnosed

For more information on our Special Education Programs click here.
Are there services offered at the preschool level for students with intensive needs?
Yes. The research is clear that early intervention is very beneficial for children with disabilities, and Scholantis School District work with other agencies to provide a variety of services for our preschool students. We offer support in community preschools through our Preschool Support Program where students with disabilities are provided with an Educational Assistant and consultative support.